The Essential Guide to
Becoming Your Own Herbalist!

“[Kaylee] made the entire learning experience so inviting as well as informational. I didn’t realize how easy it is to work with herbs, many of which are not as out-of-reach as I initially thought.”


“Thank you for emphasizing: that each person should fit holistic herbalism into their lives as they can, as it works for them. Every person and family is different, so the way things work for each will be different.”


Publication: Summer 2025


Get the book that can teach you to build your own pharmacy.

This gorgeous reference book is your “easy button” to becoming a home herbalist, clearly and simply explaining the uses of over 100 herbs for helping with everything from respiratory relief to skin care.

Whether you’re new to God’s miraculous gift of herbs or an experienced herbalist, you’ll learn – at a glance – how to weave these time-tested remedies into you and your family’s daily health routine.

The author, Kaylee Richardson, is a passionate beekeeper, herbalist, homesteader, and mother. She’s dedicated her life to sharing the forgotten wisdom of past generations and to “learning something old” every day.

*Shipping within the US and Canada only.

Publication: Summer 2025

11 things The Beekeeper’s Apothecary will teach you:

The world of herbalism can seem overwhelming (and maybe even a bit weird), but Kaylee breaks it all down into the simple-to-use systems that God gave us for our good.

Here’s just a taste of what you’ll learn:

Publication: Summer 2025

What readers are saying about Kaylee Richardson

“I am a nurse and now work in a nursing home. I started herbal teas about 6 months ago. I share them with my coworkers and some residents depending on what is happening with them. I want to learn more. More importantly, I want to learn the correct blends to help others. I am very excited. Thank you for providing the information to make me better.”

— Mary Mcbride

“Wow! This right here. I have been searching for a community that embraced my beliefs while also living, utilizing, and respecting God’s glorious gifts to us. I have found my people! Hello from Houston, TX, my name is Sarah. [I’m] about to be a first-time gardener and have dabbled in aromatherapy, cold cold-processed soap-making, and am ready to immerse myself into the world of herbalism. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and taking this journey with me. xoxo”

— Sarah Cowan

“You’ve got one of the most genuine personalities and I really appreciate the balance of wisdom, beauty, and practicality you share through your videos. You bring light to many on dark days.”

— @12gage_tx on YouTube

“I love that you talk about the balms and fragrances in the Bible. That’s what got me interested in essential oils and herbs, homemade balms, soap etc. I wanted to know what frankincense and myrrh smelled like so I bought some online and started making balms, perfume solids, and eventually homemade soaps etc. labdanum, smells so good.”

— @letstalkaboutlife493 on YouTube

“Love your videos. Just starting out with my own little apothecary and I have been watching all your videos now for like a month, month and a half. Your knowledge has helped me so much and it’s very approachable to understanding so many things. Hope to meet you one day in person!! (I’m in Florida) thanks again!”

— @nove9422 on YouTube

“God bless you, I am a homeschooling mother of 2 littles and I am so thankful for all that you share here. I personally benefit from all the wisdom and kindness you bring. I see a glimpse of God’s kingdom when I lean on nature to heal and inspire. It’s a long journey for me to stray from eating fast food in a hurry all the time, but life is so much richer when I slow down.”

— @tenaciousschoolhouse on YouTube

Publication: Summer 2025

Ready to become a home herbalist?

Learn the modern homesteading skill of home herbalism from Kaylee’s vast experience. Create your own home medicine cabinet, backed by over 100 detailed herb profiles.

*Shipping within the US and Canada only.

Publication: Summer 2025

About Kaylee Richardson

Kaylee Richardson, together with her husband and two children, lives on a farm in Virginia, where she makes it a point to “learn something old” every day.

Kaylee has become a beacon in the modern homesteading movement for promoting natural health through her love for beekeeping and herbalism. 

Her teachings have been featured in numerous publications and online platforms, sharing the beauty and benefits of a life closely connected to nature.

Publication: Summer 2025

The most fundamental and easy-to-use resource for becoming a home herbalist!

Tired of synthetic solutions? 

Embrace the healing power of herbs with this timeless guide. 

Whether you’re battling common ailments or seeking overall wellness, The Beekeeper’s Apothecary offers both the knowledge and the tools to start your healing journey.

With over 100 herbs, this book is your complete guide to natural remedies.

*Shipping within the US and Canada only.

Publication: Summer 2025