Homestead Living welcomes Anna Sakawsky as new Editor-In-Chief

Homestead Living is pleased to welcome a new Editor-In-Chief!

Anna Sakawsky, former editor and publisher of Modern Homesteading Magazine, has joined our team effective as of January 2nd, 2024. Anna is joining Melissa K Norris, our Founding Editor, as Editor-In-Chief, overseeing editorial content for our new Homesteading Monthly print magazine.

As we head into our third year of publication and transition to a monthly print magazine, we are excited to have Anna join us and bring her expertise in both editing and homesteading to the table.

A former city girl turned modern homesteader, Anna lives with her family (human, furry, and feathered) on ¼-acre property on Vancouver Island. Here they produce and preserve hundreds of pounds of their own food each year and strive to live a more self-reliant lifestyle through all that they do.

Anna is also passionate about helping others learn to homestead and live more self-reliant lives. She has been sharing recipes, tips, and advice through her blog, The House & Homestead, since 2017. In September 2019, Anna launched the first issue of Modern Homesteading Magazine, a digital magazine dedicated to helping as many people as possible live healthy, simple, sustainable lives.

After 33 issues covering a wide range of topics from farming and gardening to cooking and preserving to herbalism, simple living, and more, Anna decided to retire Modern Homesteading Magazine and join us here at Homestead Living where we are looking forward to growing together.

“As much as I loved working on Modern Homesteading Magazine, I was getting constant requests for a print edition. But as a small publisher, the printing and shipping costs were too prohibitive to make this reality sustainable,” said Anna. 

“When I decided to end publication of Modern Homesteading Magazine and was asked almost immediately to join Homestead Living as editor of their brand new monthly print magazine, it felt rather serendipitous, to say the least. I’m excited to be starting a brand new year doing and sharing what I love most with a team of equally passionate and talented people who have helped bring this vision of a homesteading-themed print magazine to life!”

We too are thrilled to welcome Anna to the team and are so excited for all of the incredible new things on the horizon for Homestead Living and Homesteading Monthly! We will also be adding all back issues of Modern Homesteading Magazine to our digital library, so subscribers can look forward to gaining access to those bonus issues soon.


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