
The Top Homesteading Conferences in 2024

Homesteading encompasses so much — self-sufficient living, growing your own food, and being mindful of the environment. For lots of folks, it can be overwhelming to get started. For those passionate about homesteading, attending conferences is an excellent way to learn from experts, connect with like-minded individuals, and discover new products and techniques. Here are the top 9 homesteading conferences you should check out in 2024.

The Top 4 Homesteading Conferences

The Modern Homesteading Conference: The Modern Homesteading Conference is a two-day event held in the picturesque Pacific Northwest that brings together the art of simple living and traditional skills. You’ll be educated and inspired like never before as you learn about the latest techniques, tools, and technologies for sustainable living. With workshops and demo’s on topics such as permaculture, gardening, composting, pressure canning, soap making and home butchering, you’ll learn how to live a modern homesteading lifestyle with people just like you. You’ll be able to bypass years of mistakes by learning from a wide variety of expert speakers from Temple Grandin, Joel Salatin, Melissa K. Norris, Carolyn Thomas, and Jessica Sowards. You’ll be on your way to creating a productive homestead before you know it! If you’ve been looking for a large group of your kind of people all at the same place — if you’ve ever felt alone on this journey— you should sign up! This is a conference you won’t want to miss, held June 28th & 29th, 2024! Here’s more information

The Homestead Festival: This festival is a celebration of all things homesteading. Have you always wanted to learn how to grow and your own food? Do you want to learn to harvest, cook and preserve that food? Do you want to raise chickens, or goats, or learn to milk a cow? Do you want to keep bees or start a flower garden? Do you hope to have babies at home, or homeschool them as they grow?

Do you want to build a more sustainable life?

You’ll learn all this and more as you connect with other homesteaders and attend informative workshops. You’ll learn from experts and homesteaders like Joel Salatin, Michael Pollan, and Jill Winger. Plus there will be some excellent live music. This year’s conference is June 7th & 8th 2024 and promises to be incredible. Click here to learn more!

The Self-Reliance Festival: The Self-Reliance Festival gives you an up close-up and personal view of both strategic and tactical skills. Very practical demonstrations include emergency medical training, defense dogs, blacksmithing, aquaponics, permaculture design, and much more.

This event is designed for folks interested in self-sufficient living, but there’s some crossover into the skills needed for homesteaders. If you’re interested in learning these skills and want to connect with other like-minded folks, this is a conference you won’t want ot miss!  The conference is on April 6th & 7th in Camden, TN, and will have a wide variety of presentations, demonstrations, vendor exhibits, community, and music! Click here to learn more!

The Homesteaders of America Conference: HOA is specifically designed for homesteaders and is a tremendous place to learn about the latest techniques and tools for sustainable living. Join thousands of other incredible folks and skilled homesteaders for an excellent weekend of learning and fun. This year’s conference is October 11th & 12th, 2024, in Front Royal, VA, and it promises to be incredible. With workshops and demonstrations ranging from milking goats to permaculture to beekeeping to home improvement, this conference is packed with information and is perfect for both experienced and novice homesteaders. Click here for more information!

So there you go! No matter where you are in your journey, you can find the inspiration and knowledge to get you started or take you to the next level. The homesteading movement is gaining steam, and there are so many resources available! If you attend any of these homesteading conferences you will surely develop new skills, as well as some quality new relationships. With workshops and demonstrations covering a huge range of topics, these events are a great way to learn about homesteading and sustainable living, connect with like-minded individuals, and discover new products and techniques.


  1. rachel@melissaknorris.com'
    Rachel Costenbader



    What a great list!

    1. felicity@homesteadliving.com'
      Felicity Fields



      Thanks, Rachel! 😀

  2. pawlah1@hotmail.com'
    Paula Derflinger



    Thank you for compiling this list of homesteading resources! Paula Derflinger

    1. felicity@homesteadliving.com'
      Felicity Fields



      You’re welcome, Paula! Glad you enjoyed them. ~ Felicity from Homestead Living

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